We have upgraded! Now 5G internet
/in News/von Cabarete Beach Houses„Great news!
We have upgraded! To offer our guests the best, we have now installed super-fast 5G internet at Cabaretebeachhouses. Whether you’re enjoying the proximity to the beach or working from here, we’re now ready to meet your needs. Book now and experience an even more seamless connection to everything you love! 

Kiteboarding Worldchamp 2016
/in News/von Cabarete Beach HousesCongratulations to our Friends: Ariel Corniel and to our new Kiteboarding Worldchamp 2016, Posito Martinez. See the last event in Sardinia
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Tel: +1 (849) 876-4533
E-mail: reserve – at – cabaretebeachhouses.com
Cabarete, Dominican Republic
Calle Principal
Office: Olas de Oro, Villa 8